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Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois

Mosque Foundation

My Beloved Son

First Friday prayer is at 12:00pm . second friday prayer is at 1:30pm

My Beloved Son

O Allah, Make Us Among the Mossaddiqeen

Many centuries ago, a father gave a valuable piece of advice to his son. Frequently, Muslims study the first verses of Luqman’s advice and his son’s dialogue without paying close attention to the second part of the passage. Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the wisdom embedded in these two verses.

Allah ﷻ states, “My dear son! If there be something no more than the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it is hidden in a rock, or the skies, or the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Allah is Gracious, All-Aware” (Quran 31:16).

Luqman begins his advice to his son with the words, “My dear son,” highlighting the love and compassion Luqman expresses verbally to his son before teaching and advising him. We learn that when we seek to advise our children, our spouses, or our Muslim brothers and sisters, it must stem from a deep love and concern for them to succeed in this life and the next, and not hostility or a desire to score points. We must take the time to offer them genuine advice in person and in private, with sincere intentions to guide and support them. After capturing his son’s attention, Luqman paints the image of a tiny mustard seed misplaced in a large boulder somewhere in the heavens or the earth, hidden deep in layer beneath layer. He says, “Allah will bring it forth” quickly, with no hassle. Allah ﷻ is not only fully aware of what we do but is also precise in tracing every detail.

It is not enough to advise our children to be mindful of Allah ﷻ and to state that Allah is always watching them. We must remind them that there is nothing we can hide from Him even if we were to spend all of our time and energy burying it deep beneath the earth. Allah is aware of it and will hold us into account for it. Luqman raises his son’s awareness of Allah’s knowledge that encompasses everything and makes him conscious of His precision in exposing all sins. The image of the weightless mustard seed juxtaposed to the vast skies and earth inspires both awe and fear.

After trusting in Allah’s justice, who does not allow a single mustard seed to escape His punishment, Luqman admonishes his son to establish prayer, “My dear son! Attend regularly to prayer, and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and endure with fortitude whatever befalls you. These are matters that require strong resolve” (Quran 31:17). He does not tell his son to pray; he says to ‘establish prayer,’ making it a solid foundation that structures his entire life. Salat reminds us of our duty to Allah ﷻ and of the day when all sins, however small, however hidden, will be exposed and judged.

An individual who establishes prayer and is conscious of Allah’s justice and judgment enjoins that which is right and forbids evil. It is not enough to establish prayer; prayer must influence our interactions and dealings. If our salat does not affect every part of our daily lives, it is merely a ritual with no significance.

Luqman advises his son to endure, with fortitude, what befalls him and be patient and firm when tested. Luqman knows that enjoining right and forbidding evil is a lonely road taken by a few, and one which requires a strong relationship with Allah ﷻ.

May Allah ﷻ make us among those who establish regular prayer, enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and may He give us the strength and patience to do so.

Sh. Jamal Said

