Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois Logo
Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois

Mosque Foundation

Zakat Payment Form

First Friday prayer is at 12:00pm . second friday prayer is at 1:30pm

Zakat Payment Form

1- Cash on Hand and in Bank Accounts
2- Current Value of Gold and Silver
3- Non-delinquent Loans
4- Expected Receivables
5- Current value of stocks and shares
6- Retirement Accounts and Pension Plans you can Withdraw
7- Business Cash on Hand and in Bank Accounts
8- Business Inventory

Value of 1 oz. Gold (USD)
Nissab (3x value of Gold)
Total amount subject to Zakat
Zakat Due
(If the amount is 0, then no Zakat is due.)
Additional Sadaqa (optional)
Total Zakat