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Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois

Mosque Foundation

Muslim Charities Need Your Support this Ramadan to Assist Struggling Families

First Friday prayer is at 12:00pm . second friday prayer is at 1:30pm

Muslim Charities Need Your Support this Ramadan to Assist Struggling Families


For over thirty years, the Mosque Foundation has been hosting nonprofit organizations every night of Ramadan to raise funds from our generous community. Your support has touched the lives of countless families locally, nationally, and globally. The projects you have supported include educational initiatives, civic fellowship, strengthening other Masajid, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, treating the ill, and so much more. Over the years, we have raised tens of millions of dollars.

Ramadan is a time for charity and compassion, especially this year, as we are going through unusual global hardship and suffering. COVID-19 is a grave danger everywhere, but especially in vulnerable communities. 

Donate every day of Ramadan to help those suffering during this global pandemic. The families who benefit from these organizations depend on Allah first and foremost, and then on you for help. COVID-19 may have shut our doors, but do not let it close your hearts. We call upon our community to directly support the following charitable organizations. 

