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Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois

Mosque Foundation

30 Years of English-Speaking Women’s Sunday Class

First Friday prayer is at 12:00pm . second friday prayer is at 1:30pm

30 Years of English-Speaking Women’s Sunday Class

As one of the longest-running programs at the Mosque Foundation, the English Speaking Women’s Class on Sundays has been going on for nearly 30 years. The Mosque Foundation welcomes women, especially those with English as their native language, to attend this free Sunday afternoon class on the second floor of the Masjid, from 11:30 until the Dhuhr prayer.

Attendees spend the first part of the class reading 10 verses from the Quran, then learning the Tafseer of those verses from Sister Nour A. Idrees. The second part of the class is spent listening to a guest speaker who presents a topic that is relevant to current times or discusses various issues ranging from the basics of Islam and extending to more complex issues such as Islamic ethics, or the Seerah of the Prophet.

Although the lessons include important and related issues, attendees can expect to learn and discuss the issues in a relaxed atmosphere as a group. Ages of the attendees range from college-aged young adults, mothers with their young children and teenagers, all the way to immigrant older women. We also have African American women, Hispanic, Arab, American born converts, curious non-Muslims, and others. All are welcome and invited to join the discussion with their unique points of view.

Sister Jeanean Othman, who started out as a student of the class, now serves as the coordinator, and sometimes a guest speaker. For those interested in the program or have questions, you may contact her at:
