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Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois

Mosque Foundation

Ramadan: A Time to Attain Taqwa

Save the Date . Annual Fundraising Dinner . Friday, September 20, 2024 at Chateau Del Mar, Hickory Hills

Ramadan: A Time to Attain Taqwa

O Allah, Make Us Among the Mossaddiqeen

Allah’s favor has descended upon us as He has selected us to witness His month this year. Its days are the best of all days, nights the best of all nights, and hours the best of all hours. Mere breathing and sleeping are rewarded as worship during this month. 

In Ramadan, Muslims increase their awareness of place and purpose. We are reminded of the blessings of our Creator as Allah ﷻ says, “Oh you who believe! Fasting has been ordained upon you as it was ordained upon those before you, that you may attain Taqwa (God-consciousness)” (Quran 2:183). Through gaining Taqwa, we become increasingly self-aware, measuring our thoughts, words, and actions.

And so we take advantage of this month by purifying our intentions and invoking Allah for whatever our heart desires, for He has promised to accept the invocations of the sincere. Jannah’s gates remain open this month, so we ask Allah to save us a home in it as we beseech Him to keep the gates of hell closed to us as they are closed during this blessed time of year.

Ramadan has arrived to discipline our worst enemy, our nafs, and nourish our hearts since the shayateen are locked up. In abstaining from food and drink, we recognize our ability to control our desires and urges. We elevate ourselves to become righteous, detaching from the animalistic persona society has glorified and convinced us is acceptable. Ramadan is a time to reevaluate our intentions, decisions, and actions; by doing so, we strengthen our relationship with our Creator.

During the month of the Quran, Muslims reconsider their relationship with Allah’s Book. We open our hearts to the Quran to allow its guidance to purify it. We ask Allah to illuminate our minds with its understanding. In reciting and memorizing the Quran, Muslims draw nearer to Allah, ﷻ receiving His protection and blessings.

As we reconsider our relationship with Allah ﷻ and His Book during Ramadan, we must also reflect upon our relationships with His slaves from our parents, siblings, relatives, in-laws, and friends. It would be a shame to allow Ramadan to pass without rectifying our relationships with fellow Muslims by seeking their forgiveness, forgiving them for their shortcomings, and ridding ourselves of grudges. We must remember that although Allah may forgive us for violating His rights upon us when we sin, He will not forgive us for violating the rights of our Muslim brothers and sisters. We must humble ourselves and seek forgiveness before a time comes when we will not have the luxury of doing so. 

We must surround ourselves with good company and righteous friends and create a schedule to keep us from wasting our time, which often leads to sin. Ramadan is a time to train ourselves to give up bad habits, such as using foul language, and take up good practices, such as lowering our gaze and holding our tongues. We must work hard to guard our tongues, eyes, and ears away from all which displeases Allah ﷻ and spoils our inner selves. Everything we say, see, and hear will purify or ruin our hearts. Our struggles during this month will lighten our burdens on the Day of Accounting. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was reported to have said, “O People! You have made your conscience the slave of your desires; make it free by invoking Him for Istighfar (repentance/forgiveness). Your back breaks under the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate before Him for long intervals and make it lighter.”

We must remember this month’s objective, which is to save our skins from the fire of Jahanam and receive Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. Let us keep these reminders in mind. Abstain from watching television, including stations advertising entertainment programs made especially for Ramadan. The nights of Ramadan should not be reserved for such entertainment, playing cards, and smoking cigarettes or water pipes. Just as good deeds are heavily rewarded this month, evil deeds weigh heavily. We must observe the sanctity of this month as we observe the sanctity of Hajj. Sweeten your tongue with the remembrance of Allah and seek His forgiveness as you abstain from backbiting and gossip. Rid yourself of foul language, control your anger, and reconcile any disputes. Give Sadaqah and provide iftar to those in need and those not. Offering iftar to the fasting person, whether rich or poor, will be rewarded immensely, as promised by our beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Strive to complete the recitation of the Quran during Qiyam and engage in reading Tafseer by pondering over the meaning of the verses. 

Finally, be honest with yourself and make genuine attempts to improve yourself. If you left something during Ramadan for the sake of Allah, leave it permanently, and Allah will open doors in this dunya and the entry of Jannah in the Hereafter.

May Allah ﷻ accept our fasting, prayers, and supplications during this month.

Ramadan: A Time to Attain Taqwa

by Sh. Jamal Said

