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Mosque Foundation | Bridgeview, Illinois

Mosque Foundation

Mosque Foundation Interfaith Activities Growing

First Friday prayer is at 12:00pm . second friday prayer is at 1:30pm

Mosque Foundation Interfaith Activities Growing

The Mosque Foundation Interfaith activities are growing. We encourage you to participate in these activities as observers or get more involved and join the team. We’ve already shared details that in this past year the MF Interfaith’s regular dialogues have continued to grow in Bridgeview, Oak Lawn, and surrounding suburbs.

The dialogue with the Oak Lawn community is open to the public, and brothers and sisters, including youth have come to observe. The next several meets are actually scheduled at the MF (January 28, March 24, and May 26, 2016 from 7-9 pm). Come, observe and be a part of changing the landscape for a better community based on mutual understanding, respect for one another, and to combat the hateful rhetoric of Islamophobia.

Additionally, the MF has joined SWIFT, the Southwest Interfaith Team, this year, which offers service activities for the whole family as well as interfaith forums and dinners. Mark your calendar for the next SWIFT Interfaith forum, March 20, 2016 (time and location TBA).

The MF has sent a representative to the Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference in Utah,  this past October from the MF/St. Fabian Catholic Dialogue here in Bridgeview. At the PWR Conference the MF and St. Fabian representatives spoke to an audience in one of the parallel sessions modeling Sustainable Local Dialogue for Better Communities. It was an amazing learning experience for both.

Most recently the MF Interfaith team hosted a luncheon with women from the Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Park Forest. Extraordinary presentations by Deanna Othman on Islamophobia and by Suzanne Akhras addressing the Syrian Refugee Crisis and the Syrian Community Network involvement here in Chicagoland. The conversations that develop were anything but ordinary. Ideas and offerings to do more to combat hate and racism as well as support for the Syrian refugees gave direction to the group’s future involvement with one another.  Contact for more information about the MF Interfaith activities.

By Karen Danielson,

Interfaith Committee Chairwoman

