
As Muslims, we must make every effort to meet life transitions with careful consideration and preparation. We rely first and foremost on Allah ﷻ and the guidance He has provided us in His Book and, secondly, upon the Sunnah of our beloved Messenger, Muhammad ﷺ. In light of what seems to be a jam-packed summer wedding season, I would like to take this opportunity to advise new Muslim couples and their families. This advice is based on nearly four decades of counseling Muslim couples.
What Comes After the Wedding?
Many couples are consumed with tedious wedding preparations and spend very little time and care to receive the training and education necessary for what comes after the wedding, despite our calls to attend counseling offered by our Masjid. Many couples enter marriage carrying false assumptions and expectations that bring them back to my office months and sometimes weeks following the wedding. Unfortunately, the conflicts they have experienced by that time have caused so much damage to the undeveloped relationship that counseling becomes difficult, and rebuilding trust requires work that they are often unwilling to do. For this reason, it is vital for each individual considering marriage or is currently married to recognize that marriage requires hard work, just like other life transitions. If a person rushed into starting a new business or buying a new car or house without any thought or preparation, most people would consider that person impulsive and careless. Isn’t marriage a decision requiring more planning and preparation than starting a business venture or making a large purchase?
Consider this verse from Surat Ar-Rum, which is placed on many wedding invitations yet often overlooked, “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought” (Quran 30:21).
Marriage is a blessing from the many provisions that Allah ﷻ has generously bestowed upon the children of Adam. It is important to note that Allah ﷻ makes mention of a specific group of people at the end of the verse, ‘those people who give thought.’
Thought, Reflection, Self-Awareness, and Learning
Though many pages can be written about this topic, here are a few practical points based on my experience in counseling newlyweds:
- Autonomy. Both newlyweds and their families and friends must recognize that they are an independent unit. It is normal and healthy for loyalties from past relationships to shift into the new relationship, making the new partnership the most valuable for each new husband and wife. Traditions and routines will have to accommodate these recent changes. Many couples complain about not attending a yearly family Eid breakfast, traveling out of state to participate in every cousin’s graduation, or seeing their friends every Friday night, which they always did when they were single. It is not practical and unfair to the new marriage for things to remain as they were. Spouses should be selective when choosing what is most important, and each must compromise by giving up some things. Families and friends should respect the decisions made by the couple and not exert pressure on them to maintain traditions and routines. With that said couples should not cut themselves off from the world. On the contrary, they should make changes to schedule regular family visits, especially to both sets of parents, and maintain their ties with righteous and supportive friends. Some family or friends of either bride or groom might be the source of problems in the marriage, so it is essential to be aware of this while maintaining rights. Similarly, couples should schedule weekly outings just for the two of them to spend time together.
- Communication. Communicating with one’s spouse is different from simply talking or hearing. It requires giving and receiving the meaning of words, feelings, and actions with empathy, respect, and consideration. If your wife feels depressed at the beginning of the marriage because she misses her family, support her. If your husband feels guilty about not being able to fulfill his parents’ wants as he once did, support him. If something is on your mind, or your spouse’s particular word or action upsets you, communicate it openly and honestly. If your spouse is telling you something you do bothers them, be willing to hear them out without judgment or comparisons. Instead, sincerely apologize for hurting them intentionally or unintentionally and try to change.
- Conflict. Conflict is a necessary and expected part of any real relationship. What is most important is that we learn to resolve conflicts in healthy ways without harboring resentment. As Muslims, we adhere to the Quran and Sunnah in times of bliss and hardship. We turn to our faith to help us decide when a conflict arises. Some couples struggle with differentiating tradition and culture from Islam and have many assumptions and expectations about the rights of the husband or wife that are false and entirely opposed to Islamic teachings. Therefore, couples should seek the advice of an Islamic scholar on these critical issues. I also advise couples not to involve their families in marital conflicts since they are biased and often too emotionally invested to make a sound decision. Our Masjid provides these services at no cost. Be sure to seek counsel. Seeking counseling does not mean you are seeking a divorce. On the contrary, it means you are struggling and need assistance. An essential aspect of resolving conflict is practicing patience, a rare quality in our fast-paced society. Couples must remember there is no such thing as a perfectly matched partner; there will always be things that each spouse must change and a few things they cannot change. As long as it is within the limits of Islamic boundaries, we must learn to have the patience to support them to change what they can, live with what they cannot change, and find ways to appreciate their good qualities.
- Intimacy. Allah ﷻ highlights affection to be one of the main qualities arising from the union of husband and wife. This encompasses all forms of intimacy: physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. Each spouse shares responsibility for achieving these forms of intimacy with their partner. I will highlight spiritual intimacy since it is often the most neglected yet essential task for couples to focus on and is a protective factor in their relationship. This includes reminding each other of the performance of daily prayers, reciting and memorizing Quran together, abandoning bad habits, attending a weekly program at the Masjid, fasting and giving sadaqa together, volunteering, and supporting one another to abide by Islamic rulings, including obtaining halal forms of provision, practicing lowering of the gaze and wearing hijab, and the many different ways of becoming closer to Allah ﷻ and gaining His mercy and pleasure.
These are but a few suggestions for newlyweds. There is so much to learn, so staying connected to your Masjid and at least a weekly program to support your healthy marriage is essential.
May Allah ﷻ place His barakah in all marriages and unite us to do good for this deen and the community.
By Sh. Jamal Said